Coolidge & Graves PLLC

   Business and Intellectual Property Law

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Coolidge & Graves PLLC provides general business, international and intellectual property legal services.  With offices in Keene, New Hampshire, and virtual presence wherever Internet access is available.  We provide our services for clients large and small.


   About the Firm...

Coolidge & Graves PLLC was begun by two expatriate large firm lawyers who wanted to provide top quality legal services at reasonable cost.  The goals were to provide the very best in legal representation, to return to the traditional role of attorney as both friend and advisor, and to avoid expensive bricks and mortar to awe the impressionable.  Indeed, a large part of the firm's practice is done "virtually" by means of email and the Internet, providing quick response and the ability to practice from almost anywhere.  Work is not a place -- it's what we do.

The firm prides itself in providing the very best in legal services in a relaxed, informal and friendly environment.  We are pleased to represent both the large firm and the individual client with equal attention to their needs.

Lawrence D. W.  Graves is a member of the New Hampshire and Massachusetts bars.  He has served in the ABA as Chair of Business Law Section's International Committee, Dispute Resolution Committee, Member of the Council of the Dispute Resolution Section, and Chair of the International Law Section of the New Hampshire Bar Association.

Dan Coolidge was a member of the firm from its founding in 2003 until his death in 2021.


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